Church Beyond the Walls: June Gallery Night 1-Time Stop

June Gallery night Press Release from CBTW:

“At Church Beyond the Walls, we believe that images have power. Most visual images of Christ, even in faith communities comprised of people of color, showcase a white Jesus. This is biblically incorrect. Jesus was a Middle Eastern Jew, and so he likely would not have had blond hair and blue eyes, but rather brown skin and dark hair and eyes. His mother Mary was also a Middle Eastern Jew, and would have had features that reflected that reality. But in most of our communities of faith we are surrounded by images of a white Jesus. We want to give new face to the church in order to reflect the diverse faces of its followers around the world.

In response, we want you to submit your non-white image of Jesus or Mary. Artworks can aim to show Jesus or Mary as they would have really appeared in history or how they appear to you — of all races, ethnicities, appearances.”

More information at 

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